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10000 - 18000 litre Water Tank

10 000 to 18 000 LITRE WATER TANK

CAPACITY: 10 000 to 18 000 litre
SHAPE: Elliptical
TANK SHELL: Will be elliptical in cross section of 4,5mm mild steel or 3CR12 steel plate and electrically welded throughout. Machine pressed dished ends.
BAFFLES: Adequate transverse baffles will be fitted with hinged doors in the centre of the baffles to facilitate easy cleaning.
DISHED ENDS: 4,5mm thick mild steel or 3CR12 steel.
MANHOLE: One 450mm diameter manhole with a quick release hinged screw type clamped lid and situated at the highest point of the tank. Rubber seal in the form of a rubber ring which is to be secured to manhole flange.
OUTLET: 75mm outlet at the lowest end of tank.
OVERFLOW & AIR INLET: At the highest end of the tank.
LADDER: A tubular ladder will be fitted to the tank for access to the manhole.
SPRAYER: Dish sprayer or horizontal spray bar.
    1) Fill tank from reservoir.
    2) Empty tank through spray dish or direct outlet.
    3) Pump and fill other tanks.
    4) Gravity through spray dish or horizontal spray bar.
    5) Pump through spray dish or horizontal spray bar.
    6) Bypass water through pump to tank.
PLATFORM: A platform is fitted at the rear of tank for mounting of pump equipment and carrying personnel.
HOSE BRACKET: Hose brackets for one 6 meters armoured suction hose that will be supplied with the tank and a 75mm strainer fitted to suction hose.
CRADLE MOUNTING: The tank will be mounted on a continuous subframe with rubber mounted cradle mountings to petrol tanker regulations for heavy duty off road conditions.
PUMP & ENGINE: KATO 3CR80 pump driven by HONDA GX160 petrol engine or alternatively to suit customer.
INTERIOR OF TANK: Will be cleaned with dioxidine, then painted with two coats of anti-corrosive bitumenastic paint.
EXTERIOR OF TANK: Will be thoroughly ground and sanded in preparation for painting, followed by zinc chromate primer and finished off with two coats of synthetic enamel.
MUDGUARDS: Mudguards will be fitted over the rear wheels of the chassis.
PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE: Will be fitted in the system.
SIGHT GLASS: Fitted on rear dished end.
HOSES: 6 meters of suction hose and 6 meters of delivery hose with Perrot couplings.