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Powerfuel buys new Diesel Tanker

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Diesel Tanker for Rustenburg Depot

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IVECO Cargo 70.12 Diesel Tanker for Powerfuel
6 January 1999 -- Powerfuel of Rustenburg have just taken delivery of a new fuel tanker to handle smaller deliveries of diesel from their depot.

The IVECO Cargo 70.12 is the ideal unit for this purpose being able to carry over 4000 litres to smaller end users. The tank was built by Tank Clinic (Pty) Ltd and the truck chassis supplied by WELTEVREDEN CAR & TRUCK CC.

Similar tankers are available to handle other fluid products such as milk, acids, vegetable oils etc.

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For More Information Contact:

Doug Pearson
Tel: +29 11 792 4040 or +27 83 227 5763
Fax: +27 11 792 1449
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.