Aluminium Personnel Carrier
BODY LENGTH: 12500mm
CONSTRUCTION: Aluminium panels huck bolted to galvanized top hat stiffeners.
CHASSIS: Two member double crank frame.
ROOF: 1,0mm aluminium with square corners resting on MBC roof sticks at 450mm intervals.
SIDES & FRONT: 1,2mm aluminium ribbed or unribbed sheeting. The panels used for the sides and front are 1200mm wide, a heavy gauge galvanized top hat section stiffener is welded to the floor and roof cant rail. The panels are huck bolted to the top hat section.
FLOOR: 4,5mm aluminium vastrap with drain holes for washing. Alternatively aluminium vastrap floor.
RUST PREVENTION: The sides up to 300mm above the floor and also in the corners will be sprayed with Plascon Epiduct Epoxy finishing which gives a good chemical solvent acid and water resistant, as well as excellent adhesion and abrasion resistance.
BUS TYPE SLIDING WINDOWS: 997 X 645mm on the two sides and two fixed emergency windows on the rear sides.
VENTILATION: 14 Flomatic roof ventilators will be fitted in the roof.
ENTRANCE: Two (2) 1000mm side opening doors will be fitted with recessed access steps at kerbside.
HAND RAILS : Will be fitted longitudinally in the roof. Also to the sides of the body over the windows to prevent people sticking elbows out of the windows.
INTERIOR LINING: Sides up to cant rail and roof insulated with polyurethane and clad with 1mm galvanized sheeting.
EMERGENCY DOOR: A 1000mm wide emergency door will be positioned at the kerbside front.
SCUTTLE VENTS: Four (4) ventilators will be fitted in the front bulkhead which can be operated from the inside of the vehicle.
EMERGENCY BELL: An emergency bell will be fitted in the drivers cab operated from the bus.
LIGHTS: Six (6) dome lights will be fitted down the centre line of the bus which are operated from the cab. Stop and taillights and flicker lights will be fitted to comply with the Road Ordinance and height marker lights will be provided outside.
PAINTING: The entire unit will be thoroughly ground and sanded in preparation for painting. The metal will be thoroughly degreased by the application of deoxidine, followed by two coats of primer and finished off with two coats of synthetic enamel in any one colour.
SEATS: Longitudinal wooden seats or fiberglass seats will be provided as an extra.