Pantser Orders
30 June 1999
Large PANTSER 16H order received
A contract has been signed for the delivery of 25 of these wreckers from the Bangladesh Defence Forces.
This order worth in excess of BDT31 700 000 (ZAR4 000 000+) is to be completed during 1999 and 2000 .
The PANTSER was the only wrecker offered of compatible specification and competitive price. The PANTSER 16H wrecker is manufactured in South Africa and available for export to world markets. The production of these units can be geared to handle large orders in a short space of time.
Simple and easy to operate the body can be manufactured to suit any 4x2 or 4x4 truck chassis from 11000kg to 19000kg GVM and adapted to suit either Right or Left Hand Drive situations.
Provided conditions and quantities warrant our doing so we will send our team to any country to assemble and mount the wreckers on site.
For further details email us.
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