Fleetloada Curtain Sided Body / Cargo Van
On the Fleetloada, pre-stressed roof side beams ensure against roof sag. The roof is covered with either a one piece GRP skin or a one piece aluminium sheet.
The curtain side is manufactured from extra heavy duty tarpaulin with securing belts placed at 600mm intervals. These curtains open laterally on runners in tracking and PVC re-inforcing belts can be welded horizontally to prevent possible tearing.
The sides are tensioned by lockable ratchet tensioners.
The unit has optional double rear doors or a standard closed rear end.
The floor deck is manufactured from specially treated multi-ply timber boards, or the conventional mild steel sheets.
Adjustable load securing belts, fitted to a sliding rail are a standard feature.
The movable, but not removable, roof supports, are easy to operate and ensure a clear loading area.