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Refrigerated Trucks

We can supply all types of refrigerated unit ranging from "Cool Vans" through to tridem axle articulated units. Transfrig and ThermoKing are our refrigeration units of choice.

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IVECO Model MLC150E18 EuroCargo fitted with 100mm Trans Van Industries insulated body and Transfrig TS220 refrigeration unit

Speak to us about any requirements you have in this field. We can supply all types of refrigerated vehicles and trailers ranging from 1 tonners to Tridem or Interlink trailers.

Minimum permitted insulation on export units is 100mm.

Delivery of most units can be completed promptly providing chassis are available.

Meat hanger bodies can be delivered with 4 weeks of your order.

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Transfrig Refrigeration unit, diesel/electric

We use Transfrig, ThermoKing and Carrier refrigeration units according to customer requirements...