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Used Trucks

USED TRUCKS occasionally they become available from our clients. We do not sell USED VEHICLES unless they we originally sold by us and we know their full history and can vouch for their authenticity.

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Typical examples of used vehicles prepared by us over the years - a Mercedes-Benz 2632S/32LC for GDC Hauliers in Zimbabwe and LS1924/36 for Nseleni Transport in Zululand  - both vehicles in exceptional condition and representing excellent value for money

As and when our clients submit photographs and prices we will advertise these units.

No guarantee or warranty is applicable to any used truck or bus unless some component has been re-built and a specific re-builders warranty exists.

All are otherwise sold "Voetstoots", no guarantee given or implied.

No used truck will be advertised on these pages UNLESS certain criteria are fulfilled:

bullet    The Seller can prove absolute ownership of the vehicle
bullet    If still being financed a letter from the Bank concerned stating the full amount due as settlement
bullet    The vehicle has a Police clearance and will be sold with a Certificate of Fitness
bullet    The vehicle must represent VALUE for MONEY, we will not advertise over-priced vehicles
bullet    Condition stated will be VERY GOOD, GOOD, AVERAGE or FAIR - lesser categories do not deserve Internet pages
bullet    All tyres must be at least 50% and pattern matched
bullet    Spare wheels and tools must be provided when sold
bullet    Every truck offered is SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE
Click on the truck name concerned and email us your details - we will contact you promptly - THANK YOU