Accredited Agents
In keeping with any growing organization we have appointed Agents in various countries to promote our product sales. We are in need of Agents where none are listed and interested parties of standing are invited to apply.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Islamabad
People's Republic of Bangladesh - Dhaka
Dyad Alliance
Mr Farruque Ahmed
Tel: 9551230
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Democratic Republic of Congo - Lubumbashi & Johannesburg
Republic of Mozambique
Inter-Shop Mocambique Lda
We have a number of Agents in Nigeria handling different aspects of our business.
Agents are needed:
All applicants will be Resident Citizens of the Country concerned or Companies with over 51% Local Participation and be able to negotiate at the highest level in both English and the National language of that country. They will have extensive contacts in Government and Industry and be capable of funding their own Bid Bonds and Guarantees as may be required from time to time.
Agents are required for the following countries - Apply by email giving full details
Singapore | People's Republic of Angola |
Republic of Zambia | Republic of Malawi |
United Republic of Tanzania | Republic of Uganda |
Republic of Kenya | Republic of Rwanda |
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka | Ghana |
Zimbabwe | United Arab Republic |
Burundi | Indian Ocean Islands |
Singapore | Indonesia |
Union of Myanmar |
Quasi-government organizations will also be very acceptable.