12 ton Drawbar Trailer
MAIN BEAMS: 6mm thick hot rolled steel web in neck and transition area. 5mm thick hot rolled steel web in main section. 100 x 12 "30 OAK" high strength steel flanges.
CROSS MEMBERS: 100 x 50 x 5M.S. pressed channels full width of trailer at 600mm spacing. 220 x 80 R.S.C. front rail and intermediate cross member for turntable support.
REAR RAIL: 178 x 54 R.S.C. chosen to resist rugged rear loading conditions.
SIDE RAIL: 178 x 54 R.S.C. welded to each cross member for uniform load transmission.
FLOOR: 4mm M.S. plate welded continuously to peripheral rails and space welded on underside to cross members.
FORECARRIAGE : ‘I’ beam longitudinals, 220 x 80 cross member suitably gusseted.
TURNTABLE : "JOST" HE18 ball turntable rated at 10 tons imposed load.
DRAWBAR: Heavy duty, light weight drawbar with "JOST" 40 ‘o’ eye and bushed, swivel, forecarriage lugs.
SUSPENSION: ‘GO’ single axle Multi-level in front and at rear.
AXLE: ‘GO’ Hawk 105 square axle.
BRAKES: ‘GO’ 420 x 180 S-cam, designed to meet higher brake regulations.
RIMS: 7.5 x 20 disc type, hi-tensile steel, with 11mm thick nave, 10 stud.
BRAKE OPERATING PARTS: Conforming to latest S.A.B.S. standards.
LIGHTS & WIRING: DIN 7 pin socket 12 volt system, combination stop, turn and double taillights, with heavy duty bulbs.
TYRES: 1100 x 20 x 14 ply rated 9 off.
MUD FLAPS: MBC Mud flaps.
SPARE WHEEL CARRIER : Back to back basket type carrier. 1 off.