Double Crank Semi Trailer
DESCRIPTION: Four member frame manufactured from rolled steel channel.
CAPACITY: 22500Kg capacity payload.
DIMENSIONS: 13500 meter overall length. 2600 meter overall width.
CHASSIS: Rolled steel channel mainframe with rolled steel channel side rave members for minimum deflection under load. Pressed channel cross members and outriggers. Chassis is of all welded construction.
BODY: Floor will be 5mm thick vastrap mild steel.
KINGPIN : Standard 50mm SAE manufactured from EN23 high tensile steel.
UNDERRUN BUMPER: A heavy duty chevron and taillight box will be fitted at the rear of the trailer. This will be protected by a heavy wall square tube Underrun bumper. Mud flaps are fitted.
LANDING LEGS: Wind down two speed JOST E200 leg gear.
SPARE WHEEL CARRIER : One mounted underneath trailer. Two can be fitted as an optional extra.
BOGIE: Four spring bogie.
AXLES: 10000Kg capacity axles. Axle beams will be 105mm square or 127 O.D. heavy wall hollow tubing.
BRAKES: 420 x 180 constant rise S-cam. All foundation brakes and air systems will comply to latest S.A.B.S. SV 1051 brake requirements.
ACCESSORIES: Dual bulls-eye taillights, chevron and reflectors all to Road Ordinance Regulations.
TYRES: Dual 1100R14 ply Radial tyres on 7,5 x 20 x 10 stud dual wheels. Nine supplied inclusive of one spare.
PAINTING: Cleaned, primed and painted to customer’s specifications.
GUARANTEE: Our products are guaranteed for a period of 12 months from delivery against faulty workmanship, material and design, fair wear and tear excluded.